129 lines
2.9 KiB
129 lines
2.9 KiB
#include calc
#let bold(cnt) = text(weight: "bold", cnt)
#let MyStyle(doc) = [
#set page(margin: (left:10mm, right: 10mm, top: 5mm, bottom: 5mm))
#set text(size: 15pt, hyphenate: false)
#let rnd-next-seed(seed) = {
let a = 1664525
let c = 1013904223
let m = 4294967296
return calc.rem(a * seed + c, m)
#let rnd-number-in-range(seed, L, R) = {
if L >= R{
panic("This is wrong")
let S = R - L;
let seed2 = rnd-next-seed(seed)
(seed2, L + calc.rem(seed2, S) + L)
#let rnd-float(seed) = {
let seed2 = rnd-next-seed(seed)
let F = float(calc.rem(seed2, 65536)) / (65536 - 1)
(seed2, F)
#let rnd-vec2(seed, amplitude) = {
let (seed, F1) = rnd-float(seed)
let (seed, F2) = rnd-float(seed)
(seed, (F1 * amplitude, F2 * amplitude))
#let add-vec2(A, B) = (A.at(0) + B.at(0), A.at(1) + B.at(1))
#let float-to-edges(x) = if (x < 0.5) {calc.pow(x, 2)} else {1 - calc.pow(1 - x, 2)}
#let greenSunEffect(body) = text(weight: "bold", fill: green, font: "Pixeboy", body)
#let genLightningRoot(width, height, seed) = {
let roots = ()
let kb = 1
let spb = 6
let bpb = spb * 3
let i = kb * 1pt
let n = 0
while i + kb*1pt < width{
if (i + (bpb + spb + kb)*1pt > width or n > 1000){
i = width - kb*1pt
let y_RND = 0
(seed, y_RND) = rnd-float(seed)
let y = (float-to-edges(y_RND) * 0.8 + 0.1) * height
roots.push((i, y))
let x_RND = 0
(seed, x_RND) = rnd-number-in-range(seed, spb, bpb)
i += (x_RND * 1pt)
n += 1
(seed, roots)
#let genLightningSpark(start, amplitude, seed, is-g) = {
let sparks = 0
if (is-g) {
sparks = 2
} else {
let td_RND;
(seed, td_RND) = rnd-number-in-range(seed, 1, 9)
if (7 <= td_RND and td_RND <= 8){
sparks = 1
} else if (td_RND == 9){
sparks = 2
let res = ()
for I in range(0, sparks){
let curP = start
let one_line = (start,)
for j in range(0, 2){
let step;
(seed, step) = rnd-vec2(seed, amplitude)
curP = add-vec2(curP, step)
(seed, res)
// Returns array of paths
#let genLightning(width, height, seed) = {
let (seed, root) = genLightningRoot(width, height, seed)
let paths = (root,)
let N = root.len()
for i in range(0, N){
let start = root.at(i)
let is-g = ((i == 0) or (i + 1 == N))
let amplitude = if (is-g) {height / 3} else {height / 2}
let new_lines
(seed, new_lines) = genLightningSpark(start, amplitude, seed, is-g)
for new_line in new_lines {
#let lightningBackground(body, seed) = context {
let dim = measure(body)
let points = genLightning(dim.width, dim.height, seed)
// return points
box(inset:0pt, outset:0pt)[
#for lpath in points{
place(top+left, dx: 0pt, dy: 0pt, path(stroke: yellow+1pt, ..lpath))
#let sparkingGreenSunEffect(seed, body) = lightningBackground(greenSunEffect(body), seed)